Universidade de Vigo


Designing the technologies of the future

We drive the advancement of society through the generation and transfer of high-value knowledge in the field of telecommunications technologies and digital services.

We work in the following areas

5G and beyond, satellite communications, optics and photonics, and electromagnetism are some of the research lines aimed at addressing the challenge of future connectivity.

Application of technologies such as artificial intelligence, data science and engineering in various fields, including health, education, and offerings, contributes to the design of intelligent services, making this domain one of our flagship areas.

We are internationally recognized in the fields of security, privacy, and cryptography and quantum communications.

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O Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación da Universidade de Vigo, atlanTTic, acaba de renovar a súa pertenza á Rede CIGUS, a superestrutura…

O investigador da Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Jorge Parra Gómez, autor dunha tese de doutoramento sobre unha nova xeración de dispositivos fotónicos, é o…

“Sinais do corazón” é o segundo episodio da serie de podcast co gallo do Día Mundial da Saúde, no que participan Artemio Mojón Ojea,…

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7/5/2024, 11.00
A-010 (Sala Acristalada)
08/05/2024 00:00
Campus online de la Universidad de Vigo
A Coruña e Vigo
Edificio Miralles, Sala 1, Universidade de Vigo e UVigo-TV